Virtualization: Cultural Activities as a Complement of Education
Society is increasingly connected to the virtualization of processes which occurs through the Digital Technologies of Communication and Information – TDIC (Boughzala, Assar, & Junior, 2010). Such virtuality forms a sociocultural complexes, as it involves people with different competences: knowledge, skills and attitudes, each of them interacting with the others’ intentions and interpretations of the world view. This phenomenon occurs in all areas, including teaching-learning (Noveli & Albertin, 2017). The aim of this project is to implement an online course on Cultural Activities as a Complement of Education – ACCE with emphasis on the Curriculum Guidelines of the Accounting Sciences course established by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Brazil – MEC. Specifically, the course intends to identify the profiles of the graduates, mention the necessary skills of the graduates, map the intersections between profiles and skills and learning resources and create a Cultural Activity room in a Virtual Environment of Learning – AVA. The relevance of this course arises from the need to direct and align the competencies of the graduates in Accounting Sciences, ensuring the education inclusive, equitable and quality education based on the guidance of the Ministry of Education and with focus on Sustainable Development Goal 4 of the United Nations in Brazil, which aims to increase the number of young people and adults with relevant skills for decent work or entrepreneurship (UN, 2017).
The talk is a part of the Open Education Design – Course for Practitioners 2018 event filmed and produced by Videolectures.NET.

Maria Freitas
Maria das Graças Freitas dos Santos from the University Santa Cecilia (UNISANTA) Brazil teaches tutorial courses in the areas of specific knowledge, pedagogical, communicational, technological and managerial, with a view to learning the students and the continuous improvement of good practices.
Tel Amiel
Tel Amiel completed his PhD in Instructional Technology at the University of Georgia. He is currently professor at the School of Education at the University of Brasília where he coordinates the UNESCO Chair in Distance Education. He was previously coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Open Education (Unicamp), and a visiting fellow at the University of Wollongong and Stanford University, and a visiting professor at Utah State University. His interests in the area of open and education and educational technology, with particular focus on schooling and teacher professional development.

Patricia Coutinho
Patricia de Souza Albrecht Coutinho holds a law degree from the Catholic University of Santos (2010), postdoctoral degree in Teaching and Research for Higher Education by the Metropolitan University of Santos (2014). She has experience in the area of Distance Education, with emphasis on Teaching/Learning.