The Strategy of Understanding Young
Children’s Growth, Development and Learning
Within this project, we would like to search and develop the strategy of an educational institution with the intention of mutually enriching professional knowledge and promote well-being for all. The idea considers our previous research results as well as courageous plans for the further development of educational nexus named TLT – Theatre Lab Trnovo that would encourage learning for self-development/healthy development. The overall goal is to establish co-existing community permitting free natural learning in an open didactic stage to perform research, inquiry and discovery of science and art. Within the community, we plan to teach people to observe and sum up insights to find innovative solutions and thus ensuring sustainable development of the global world.

Suzana Antič
Suzana Antič is a headmistress of the Trnovo Kindergarten in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. She has been always passionate about the young children’s learning, development and growth, which motivated her to research and innovate pedagogical practice. With a sound management and understanding of the holistic approach and with introduction of research work into the educational process, she managed to innovate the implemented kindergarten curriculum and improved the collaboration with parents by introducing the modern ways and strategies of communication. She has been an active member of many expert work groups and a member of the initiative Opening up Slovenia. Her contribution to the modernization of pedagogical practice, especially in the pre-school education, is significant and indispensable.

Fabio Nascimbeni
Fabio Nascimbeni works as Assistant Professor at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), where holds the Telefonica Chair on Digital Society and Education. He is a Senior Fellow of the European Distance and eLearning Network (EDEN), a member of the Advisory Board of the Open Education Working of the Open Knowledge Foundation, a fellow at the Centro de Estudos sobre Tecnologia e Sociedade of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil and at the Nexa Centre of the Politecnico di Torino. He has been active in the field of learning innovation and ICT for learning since 1998, by designing and coordinating more than 40 research and innovation projects and promoting European and international collaboration in different areas, from school education to higher education, to lifelong learning, to ICT research. He has been working across Europe as well as in Latin America, the Caribbean, the South Mediterranean and South-East Asia. His main research interests are open education, learning innovation, digital literacy, social and digital inclusion.