Promoting Children’s Learning Development Stages in Teaching Numeracy
In order to deliver high-quality classroom learning process of numeracy, teachers need to understand the content that they are teaching and how children learn so that they will be able to determine meaningful tasks and strategies that can improve children’s learning. This course will focus on facilitating teachers to have better understanding of how children learn based on their learning development stages, particularly on learning about number. Number is chosen as the specific content due to the fact that it is the foundation for learning mathematics and number sense has been considered as one of important mathematical concepts in 21st century K-12 education.
Project resources are available at:
The talk is a part of the Open Education Design Workshop 2019 event filmed and produced by Videolectures.NET.

Cici Tri Wanita
Cici Tri Wanita is an education enthusiast with with a track record of initiatives in promoting growth in people and working on educational project development and implementation.
Nurbiha A. Shukor
Nurbiha A. Shukor (PhD) is an Open Education Resources Manager at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and also an experienced Senior Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. She received post doctoral training from Radboud University, The Netherlands for the project Students’ Learning Regulation in Online Mathematics Learning. Skilled in E-Learning, Educational Technology, educational data mining and recently involved in projects related to STEM Education in Schools with Ministry of Education Malaysia as a Project Manager for STEMazing Project UTM.