Storytelling and Perspectives: Weaving Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Open Educational Practices (OEP) and SDG’s in High School Learning Environments
What if … a focus on storytelling and perspectives was used to guide Canadian high school students on their learning pathway about colonialism, imperialism and globalization using an Indigenous Ways of Knowing lens? How could an open learning design expand a high school students’ learning experience, develop student competency in multi-literacies and perceptions of learning and globalization in previously inconceivable and empathetic ways? This project was originally designed as a learning pathways cycle in an EdD design-based research dissertation on how open educational practices (OEP) could expand high school students’ learning environments. The Open Learning Design Intervention (OLDI) provided the initial design framework to support the remixing of collaboratively created Open Educational Resources (OER) to create a UNESCO Open Education for a Better World open course and professional learning resources for a K-12 school district. This project, which is a result of a collaboration of educators and supporters, was initiated by high school students in the Building Futures, Airdrie program in the Rocky View Schools K-12 school district (Alberta, Canada). This project considers the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #63 “Building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect” and SDG #4 (Quality Education) and #16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), while meeting Alberta Education Program of Studies English and social studies provincial curriculum expectations.
Project resources are available at:
The talk is a part of the Open Education Design Workshop 2019 event filmed and produced by Videolectures.NET.
Verena Roberts
Verena Roberts BEd, TESL, MALT (Leadership and Training), MET (Masters in Educational Technology) is an Innovator and Educational Consultant based out of Calgary, AB, Canada. She is currently working as a Learning Specialist - Technology and consulting with the ABOER - K12 project and is a Learning Sciences doctoral student with UofC.
Gašper Hrastelj
Gašper Hrastelj is Deputy Secretary General of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO since 2007. His fields of expertise are among others: Networking with Youth, Sport and UNESCO, UNESCO´s Science Programmes and Open Education. Gašper was the National Focal Point for the organization of the 2nd World Open Educational Resources Congress held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September 2017 co-organized by UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.