Open Educational Resources for Schools (OER4S)
Open Educational Resources for Schools (OER4S) aims at bringing out educational resources to improve school education and to make it enjoyable. This website provides educational material relevant for students, teachers and parents. It is hoped that the use of these resources would enable to improve the quality of teaching learning process in the schools of Maharashtra. Open Educational Resources are accessible freely by all the stakeholders (students, teachers and parents) for their use. They should to choose the resources that they find useful to them. Feedback from all the three stakeholders is earnestly solicitated to improve the material.

Narendra Deshmukh
Since 1991, Dr. Narendra Deshmukh is working at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai, India as Senior Scientific Officer-E. He has M.Sc (Animal Physiology), M. Ed, M.A and M.Phil (Education), Ph D (Education) and MBA (HR) degrees. He completed his Postdoctoral study from Marang Centre for Maths and Science Education, Wits School of Education, Johannesburg, South Africa. His research areas are: Students’ Conceptions and Misconceptions, Open Educational Resources (OER), Activity Based Science Learning, Participatory Action Research, Topic Specific Pedagogical Content Knowledge and interested in Tribal & Rural Education, Health Education, Biology Education and Teacher Education. He shared his research experiences in many national and international conferences and published in journals. He is author of 6 books, participated in 4 books, 3 technical reports. He also involved in various courses design and implementation. He is associated with many national and international educational, biology education research associations.

Mohandas B. Menon
Professor Mohandas B. Menon is a Former Deputy Vice Chancellor at the Wawasan Open University, Penang, Malaysi, Chief at UNESCO-UNRWA Educational Programme in Jordan and Chairperson at the National Institute of Open Schooling, India. Presently he is Honorary Chairperson of DISHA Global Trust, Kochi-692011, INDIA. His areas of expertise include open education, digital learning, teacher education and science education.