Education for All: Quality and Concerns
In the post modern era, various models are in the process to resolve different prevailing issues of society through education. Amongst those models, one is to ensure sustainable development through education. Sustainable development goals 2030 enunciated various goals and one is to ensure inclusive and quality education to the children in such a manner so that they could use it throughout their life. Keeping in view this goal in mind, this project is going to offer the pre-service teachers about the familiarity for the sustainable goals followed by tools and techniques for transmission to the school going children. In order to achieve the target of inclusion and quality, it is vital to develop familiarity amongst the pre-service teacher.
The project in the nutshell mainly attempts through OER to extend familiarity and equipping them with the appropriate approaches and strategies to achieve goal four of sustainable development.

Seema Agnihotri

Nisha Singh
Dr Nisha Singh is a Deputy Director at the Inter University Consortium (IUC), Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, India. She is also working with Centre of Online Education, IGNOU. She is associated with Digital initiatives of Government of India- SWAYAM and SWAYAMPRABHA through IGNOU. She is involved as resource person in professional development workshops and training programmes in Higher Education. Her area of expertise is OER, ICT tools, E-content development, Learning Management Systems.