Creating Dynamic Online Courses

There are many educators who are creating content for teaching and learning. If they could be shown how to create online content, or convert their courses into an online environment they would be able to reach more participants. In addition, once the content is in digital format they might be more likely to make it available freely under a Creative Commons license. Part of the course would be to cover OER and CC licenses.

Project resources are available at:

The talk is a part of the Open Education Design – Course for Practitioners 2018 event filmed and produced by Videolectures.NET.


Gregory Doyle

Gregory Doyle is a e-Learning Manager at the Education Development Unit, University of Cape Town. His responsibilities include participation in relevant International and National Communities of Practices’ conferences, workshops & training programs and relevant research projects, dissemination of relevant and innovative research findings, preparing formal and informal presentations to facilitate engagement with new trends by committees, departments and individuals,  supervision and contribution  to the implementation of new policies, practices and technologies and  managing quality of training and support to Faculty staff & students etc.


Colin de la Higuera

Colin de la Higuera is Professor at Nantes University (France). He has been involved in a number of research themes, including algorithmics, formal language theory, pattern recognition. He has also served the community as chairman of conferences, expert, reviewer, editor. He has co-organized workshops and given tutorials at many conferences. He has been chairman of the International Community in Grammatical Inference (2002-2007), the founding president of the SIF, the French Informatics Society and is currently a trustee of the Knowledge for All foundation and is working towards the usage of technology for an open dissemination of knowledge and education. In 2017, based on the project Class’Code he contributed to launch in France, UNESCO has created a Chair in Technologies for the Training of Teachers by Open Educational Resources at University of Nantes, which he is now holding. In 2019 an Academic Chair on Open Education and Artificial Intelligence was created by Nantes University to support his work.


Carmen Holotescu

Carmen Holotescu is a Professor at the University “Ioan Slavici” Timisoara, Romania and a Director of Open Education Center. She is a Dean of Faculty of Engineering Director of Timsoft Ltd Romania, a company specialized in eLearning and Mobile Applications.