An Introductory Course for Potential Legal Translators
The purpose of the project is to present the content as an open source of education that could serve as a basis for further educational courses in translation of translated language. Since I teach translation of legal texts I am familiar with this content, so I already have a framework i. e. the course structure and some content as well. On this basis, I would like to design an initial training course as an open source of education. First I intend to test such a course with students and then, in the next phase, build a framework for next educational courses for legal translation.
Chrissi Nerantzi
Chrissi Nerantzi is a Principal Lecturer in Academic CPD in the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. Her approach is playful and experimental and she specialises in creative, innovative learning, teaching and assessment. Chrissi is an open practitioner and researcher and has initiated with many others a wide range of open and successful cross-institutional professional development initiatives, such as the Teaching and Learning Conversation (TLC) webinars, the open courses Flexible, Distance and Online Learning FDOL, Bring Your Own Devices for Learning, Flexible, Open and Social Learning FOS, Creativity for Learning in Higher Education #creativeHE and associated open community, the Learning and Teaching in Higher Education tweetchat #LTHEchat as well OER projects such as Food for Thought, 101 Creative Ideas #101creativeideas and 101 Open Stories #101openstories.