Communication Skills: A Tool for
Empowering Learners from Tribal Areas
Communication Skills is the buzz word in today’s education and job market, but many undergraduates from rural-tribal areas struggle to communicate in English. With the implementation of liberalization, globalization and privatization policies and growth of industrialization in India, there has been a great demand of students having degrees with minimum English competencies. At present the subject Communication Skills is taught in UG courses in colleges which includes text, grammar, theory of communication, personal and business letters, questionnaire, business reports, Interpersonal Communication, case analysis etc. Practical studies are mandatory which covers group discussion, role plays, presentation, speech making, etc. to develop LSRW skills. It has been found that though given opportunities students from Tribal Community lack these skills and the most important reason for it is fear of Language particularly English language. Because of lack of communication skills they fail to find job opportunity as well as fail to secure admission to further studies. The project intends to develop a course for improving the communication skills through various approaches and resource materials.

Mahesh Deshmukh
Mahesh Deshmukh is Academic Administrative Supervisor at Sonopant Dandekar College, Palghar, Maharashtra, India. He has been teaching English Language and Literature to the Undergraduate and Post graduate Students for the last 21 years. He is member of syllabus committee for English Literature at undergraduate level of University of Mumbai. He is an active member of various committees in his college and is also intensively involved with various university departments. He has completed research projects funded by different state agencies as well as University. He has published numerous research papers in National and International Journals. His focus area is to develop skills and competencies amongst underprivileged social groups and making them competent enough to befit themselves in the competitive world and live life with dignity.

Gina Bennett
Gina Bennett is an adult educator and curriculum consultant with experience in domestic, virtual and international settings. Her academic background includes a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences and an M.A. in Adult Education, as well as postgraduate certificates in Instructional Design and Intercultural Communication. Her past position at College of the Rockies was focused on the integration of appropriate technology for teaching and learning, and the use of technology to increase educational access. Her current work includes adult education outreach, online facilitation, and curriculum development on a variety of projects. Gina maintains a strong interest in projects which not only open up learning materials but also make them more welcoming to marginalized learners.