Building Self Esteem and Resilience
Among Children
All children are capable of extraordinary things. The potential for happiness & greatness lies in all of them & will mean different things to different kids. We cannot change that they will face challenges along the way. What we can do is give them the skills, so these challenges are never able to break them. With this aim, I am planning to have a four week MOOC which will be developed in a manner that first it will help parents to identify any self esteem related issues in them and then understand the concept and importance of the self esteem and resilience in ones life. the next modules will give practical knowledge and experience through reading material, activities, exercises and live modules. Then during assessment phase various quizzes and progress of children will also be assessed as part of course success.
The broad module- wise plan is presented below:
Module 1: working on parents self esteem and resilience
Module 2: identifying self esteem related issues in children
Module 3: building self esteem
Module 4: how resilient your children are
Module 5: building resilience in children through powerful strategy
Module 6: Applying in daily life

Meera Sharma
Meera Sharma (M.sc in Human development) is working as sr. Psychological counsellor and special educator in the field of education at Podar International School, Mumbai and dealing with special need children. She is also a gold medalist in PGDC from Mumbai University. She is handling 10 hubs in Pune region and mentoring the work of counsellors and special educators. She provides remedial therapies to the special needs children and counseling services to the adolescents and their parents too. The workshops related to parenting, healthy development of the children, developing emotional, social and intelligence quotient and many more topics among teachers, students, parents and Principals have been regularly conducted by her with the collaboration of her team. The activities for life skills have also been conducted with the students to build their self esteem and promoting healthy life style. She regularly attends concert or presentations conducted by renowned institutes to upgrade myself.

Maja Pivec
Maja Pivec, Ph.D, is professor of Applied Game Design and Gamification at the FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria. Her research interests are in the field of affective and emotional aspects of human- computer interaction, with emphasis on gamification, game design, game-based learning and innovative learning approaches, and different aspects of e-learning. She is author and co-author of several book publications on GBL. Her research work is published and presented at more than 100 international conferences and publications. She is co-ordinator or partner in various EU or national founded projects. In 2018 she received Graz Congress Award, Graz for hosting of the European Conference on Game- Based Learning.

Christian M. Stracke
Dr. Christian M. Stracke is ICDE Chair in OER and Associate Professor for Open Education and Innovations at the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL). In addition he is Advisory Professor at the East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai, and Adjunct Professor at the Korea National Open University (KNOU) in Seoul. Christian holds a PhD in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.) from the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and a Magister Artium (M.A.) in Educational Sciences from the University of Bonn (Germany). He is senior researcher and strategy consultant with international reputation and excellent references (& 150 publications). As an internationally recognized expert and innovator, his main research and working fields are: Open Education, technology-enhanced learning, educational policies and philosophy, learning innovations and quality, impact assessment and competence development. Christian has got 20+ years of business and research experience in HR and E-Learning in leading research teams and large-scale projects (> 100 projects, > 50 Mio. EUR) and in consulting and supporting ministries, public authorities and institutions to develop long-term policies and to improve learning innovations and quality. He founded ICORE, the International Community for Open Education and Research and LINQ, the international conference on Learning Innovations and Quality.