Universal Design for Learning in Inclusive Education
Nowadays Indian classrooms are diverse in nature. There is inclusive set up in every school so that a variety of learners are admitted in one classroom. Everybody has their own learning style, disabled students are learning with normal students, but there is no diversity in curriculum. Same curriculum is implemented for all without consideration to the disabled students. So through this project I am trying to focus on diverse learning and to find out the learning style of students in one classroom. For if teachers will understand the learning style of its students per diversity, they will be able to use proper teaching methods for them and this will help to enhance teaching / learning. The Universal Design for Learning is a new concept which will be identified in the education field through this project in different phases.
Phase 1
Survey the inclusive set up of the secondary schools and identify the students enrollment in classrooms. Personal interviews with students to recognize their learning style. Interviews with teachers will be conducted to understand what teaching strategies they adopted in their classrooms. After, I will suggest teaching learning strategies for inclusive classrooms so that every student will be able to benefit from meaningful learning.
Phase 2
Prepare Universal Design for Learning to develop a flexible learning environment and learning spaces that can accommodate individual learning differences.
Phase 3
Course structure will be finalised based on four major components suggested by MOOC. It will be a credit course. Video material from experts will be included. Assignments will be given. All teachers will be included in this course.
Phase 4
Implementations of Universal Design for Learning in the classroom. Feedback and observation will be noted
Phase 5
Report will be finalized. Course examination scores will be calculated.

Madhuri Isave
Working as a Associate Professor in S.P. Mandalis Tilak College of Education, Pune (Maharashtra). She has 25 years of teaching experience at B.Ed. and 10 years experience at M.Phil. and research field, guided more than 20 students at M.Ed. and DSM level.5 students are awarded M.Phil. degree and two students awarded Ph.D. degree under her guidance. She has attended and presented papers in state National, international conferences, workshops and seminars. Research papers published in journal, conference proceeding. Ph.D. thesis published in Germany. Worked as a resource person, panelist, chairman and keynote speaker in out of state conferences, refresher course, short term course, FDP and Ph.D. course. Organized teacher training programme. Visiting and inspecting as a team member and VC nominee at various committees of University. Served as a BOS and Ph.D jury member. Published 5 books and book reviews. Completed minor and major projects, six corresponds course and MOOC online course. She has awarded “Accomplished Teacher Education” award at National level and “Best teacher Educator” award at state level. Savitribai Phule Pune University nominated as a Best teacher award. She took membership of various national and international organization. Interest area is special education, inclusive education, higher education.

Sandeep Patil
Sandeep Patil is an Assistant Professor at the Azad College of Education, Satara (Maharashtra), India. He is a teacher educator with more than 14 years of teaching experience. He is also MBA in Education Management. He has also pursued M.S. in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Currently he is pursuing Ph.D. in Education. He is interested in experimenting pedagogic innovations. He is an OER practitioner who wishes to be a torch bearer in Open Education movement.