The iEnergy Open Knowledge Platform explores the possibilites to support achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (esp. Goal #7: Affordable and Clean Energy) by improving citizens energy literacy through an advanced, AI-supported OER platform. By spreading knowledge and promoting energy related best practice it helps countries and continents accelerate the transition to an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system in a realistic, fact-based manner. The platform offers technological, natural science as well as social science chapters, related to energy sources and energy use. In this way it covers a broad range of Energy Literacy essential principles for energy education. Each chapter is constantly enriched with concrete, cross-referenced energy related hot topics which are presented to the platform user in different forms of OER, e.g. articles, interviews with experts, video-lectures, news intelligence etc. Elements of gamification increase platform’s attractiveness. Advanced learning analytics running in the background helps to better understand users’ needs and expectiations and optimize the learning environment.
Project resources are available at:
- www.i-energija.si (iEnergy project web-page in Slovenian language, launched in 2018)
- www.i-energy.info (iEnergy project’s beta version English version)
- iEnergy video interviews (produced in partnership with VideoLectures.NET, launched in June 2019): http://videolectures.net/ienergija_videointervjuji
- Energy, Society and Open Education, a multi stakeholder discussion organised as part of the 2019 Open Education Design Workshop, Vipava – Slovenia, July 2019: http://videolectures.net/educationdesign2019_drevensek_multi_stakeholder/
- Energy Literacy Framework: https://www.energy.gov/eere/education/energy-literacy-essential-principles-energy-education
iEnergy Open Knowledge Platform Project’s Action Plan will be published here soon.
Mojca Drevenšek
Mojca Drevenšek is an energy literacy enthusiast - a communications consultant inspired by knowledge-sharing activities among natural- and social sciences and technical/engineering experts who strive to raise awareness on energy issues among students, the educational community and policy makers. She is a communication consultant at Consensus Communications and president of EN-LITE Society for Strengthening Energy Literacy, a non-profit based in Slovenia. She is a co-author and co-editor of several energy- and communication related books, handbooks, brochures, media articles and other educational material. She gives presentations and lectures at domestic and international energy conferences and seminars.
Ervin Pfeifer
Ervin Pfeifer is a Management Consultant.
Gašper Hrastelj
Gašper Hrastelj is Deputy Secretary General of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO since 2007. His fields of expertise are among others: Networking with Youth, Sport and UNESCO, UNESCO´s Science Programmes and Open Education. Gašper was the National Focal Point for the organization of the 2nd World Open Educational Resources Congress held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September 2017 co-organized by UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.