Evolving as a Facilitative Teacher for Sustainable Development
The movement of sustainable development has got revitalized and redirected through the launch of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals along with the subsequent targets have envisaged the dream of sustainable tomorrow. SDG4 specifically deals with ‘Education for Sustainable Development’. It aims to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all’. This goal has come up with certain targets expected to be attained. SDG4 and its targets deal with the change in education system particularly in classrooms to promote ensuing change in the society. This has its onus lied upon the role of a teacher. Target 4.7 speaks about ‘Education for sustainable development and global citizenship’. So the onus lies upon the teacher to lay foundation for such change in the society through nurturing students in the desired direction. Teacher is at the epicenter in promoting sustainable development. Hence teacher’s roles and responsibilities need to evolve with respect to sustainable development. If we wish to cultivate our society to be sustainable, we need to promote humanitarian approach through education. Teacher needs to be empowered with new attributes as a facilitative teacher for it. The present course is an attempt to sensitize the teachers to perceive their transforming role as facilitative teachers for sustainable development. This course is aimed at promoting facilitative development of teachers which is pivotal in their professional advancement towards promoting sustainable development. Focus of the course will be particularly on enhancing socio-emotional attributes of teachers as facilitators. It is designed to cultivate appropriate socio-emotional stance of teachers required for them to be the torch-bearers in movement of sustainable development through quality education. Varied learning resources will be offered to carry out diverse learning activities.
Project resources are available at:
The talk is a part of the Open Education Design Workshop 2019 event filmed and produced by Videolectures.NET.

Sandeep Patil
Sandeep Patil is an Assistant Professor at the Azad College of Education, Satara (Maharashtra), India. He is a teacher educator with more than 14 years of teaching experience. He is also MBA in Education Management. He has also pursued M.S. in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Currently he is pursuing Ph.D. in Education. He is interested in experimenting pedagogic innovations. He is an OER practitioner who wishes to be a torch bearer in Open Education movement.

Fawzi Baroud
Fawzi Baroud is the Assistant Vice President for Information Technology at Notre Dame University - Lebanon. He has more than 30 years of IT experience in higher education, and as a researcher, he has published a number of studies on eLearning and ICT use in education, participated in conferences, coauthored the informatics national curriculum for Lebanon, and offered consultancy to academic institutions. His research centers on the use, integration and evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies, Open Educational Resources and eLearning implementation in higher educational contexts.