Inquiry and Concept Based Pedagogy in
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
This course comprises of 3 modules:
Module 1: Intoduction of inquiry and concept based approach
Module 2: Creating a shared understanding of sustainability by creating an inquiry and action plan
Module 3: Evaluation and reflection
Each of these modules will contain learning engagements and will be supported by resources like instructor made PowerPoints, videos and other formats of delivery. Since the course is designed for educators, the learning engagements will encourage and welcome novel strategies shared by the participants. The course will model teaching strategies that could be easily adapted to different class and age groups of learner. The task will largely include contribution on Moodle or similar platforms where participants can comment and indulge in discussion and peer feedback. The task specific rubric and grading will be available throughout the course in the document library/repository of the chosen platform.

Sumit Nair
Sumit Nair is an international educator specializing in middle and high school education and teacher training. He has worked in India, France and Sweden and currently serving in the capacity of middle school teacher and high school International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme as designee for acquiring authorization for running the course at the local municipality school in Sweden. He also serves the IB in different capacities as a teacher training workshop leader, school visitors for verification and evaluation for new and existing IB schools. He holds two MSc degrees, Sustainable Development from Uppsala University, and MSc Biotechnology from University of Mumbai. He is passionate about driving inquiry led learning and concept-based teaching & learning approaches across educational aisles. He strongly promotes environmental education and education for sustainability (ESD) for learner for all ages. He is keen on developing authentic learning platforms and OER courses that help developing local capacity building.

Joost Groot Kormelnik
Joost Groot Kormelink is manager open and online education at the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of the TU Delft. The portfolio of the faculty focusses on Transition and Resilience of Infrastructures, Ethics and Risk of New Technologies, Entrepreneurship and leadership skills for engineers. He is also editor of an open textbook on Responsible Innovation.