Climate Change Education
Every person is experiencing climate change and its effect on human life. Unfortunately human activities are damaging environment the most that lead to create imbalance in nature. This course is designed to make individual understand the phenomenon of climate change and to sensitize about the impact of climate change on human life like economic, social, cultural etc. It also aimed at developing the understanding of ones role in sustaining environment and save earth in specific and role of organizations, community and society in general. The real situations related to impact of climate change across globe will be discussed through and analyse the conditions with causative factors and will suggest ideas to overcome it.

Pradnya Wakpainjan
Pradnya Wakpainjan (PhD) is an Associate Professor in Education at Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women’s University, Mumbai. She has experience of teaching and research in the field of education. She is actively involved in designing courses for teacher education programme offered by traditional mode. She considers the development of open education resource a learning opportunity to widen her horizon of course designing, development, and implementation.
Curt Newton
Curt Newton is Director of MIT OpenCourseWare, which freely shares materials from thousands of MIT courses used by millions of learners and educators around the world. He is personally drawn to find new ways to combine open education and climate action. At MIT, he co-produced and co-hosted 3 seasons of the Climate Conversations podcast; helped build the ClimateX online community which became MIT’s online climate portal; and has been a staff representative on the MIT Climate Action Advisory Committee. As a citizen, Curt facilitates simulation games and workshops for the nonprofit Climate Interactive, and is a volunteer leader working on city and state campaigns with 350 Massachusetts.