Biofertilizer Production
Repeated use of land for farming leads to depletion of nutrients. This can lead to a drop in crop productivity. Use of chemical fertilizers leads to pollution of the environment and a downward trend in soil health. Use of biofertilizers can address this problem and be a mainstay for sustainable agriculture. Hence the need for training manpower in the development and use of biofertilizers.
Project resources are available at:
The talk is a part of the Open Education Design Workshop 2019 event filmed and produced by Videolectures.NET.

Sneha Sanjeev Ogale
Sneha Sanjeev Ogale is the Head of the Department of Microbiology, PES Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, India.

Viviane Vladimirschi
Dr. Viviane Vladimirschi is a researcher, educational consultant, instructional designer, project manager and teacher and staff trainer for use of distance education, blended learning, open educational resources and practices and information and communication technologies. Since 2002, she is director of E- connection, a small company based in São Paulo, Brazil that renders instructional design, consulting, project management and training services for institutions all over the country that wish to implement distance education, blended learning, mobile learning and open educational practices. Her company clients include: Khan Academy, UNESCO IITE, Iniciativa Educação Aberta, Athabasca University/Commonwealth of Learning, ITS Rio, MIT Media Lab, to name a few. Her work allows her to interact and collaborate with a wide range of domestic and international academic and corporate institutions, having conversations about how they can best meet their educational goals. Currently, she is working as a consultant for the Open University of the UK.