Creating Inclusive Society for Peace and Justice (CISPJ)
The course is intended to make participants aware of the concept of social inclusion and its role in maintaining peace and justice. This course will be helpful to the participants to inculcate peace and justice by understanding the concept of social inclusion. The course will also help in making participants aware of the role of social, political, economic discrimination and discriminations based on disabilities. Active participation through Video, quiz, assignment and discussion. Participants will be able to contribute to establishing an inclusive society for sustainable development
The outcome of the course:
1. Explain the concept of an inclusive society, exclusive society and diversified society
2. Orient peer group to support inclusive society for peace and justice
3. Understand the Organizational efforts of WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF for establishing peace
4. Determine the need and significance of equality in relation to caste, class, religion, ethnicity, disability and religion for establishing an inclusive society
5. Discuss the Socio-economic-political and emotional causes of diversified society
6. Illustrate the need and importance of social inclusion for sustainable development

Siddhart Ghatvisave
Dr.Siddhart Ghatvisave is working as an assistant professor at PVDT College of education, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai. He is a recognized guide of Ph.D. degree of SNDT Women’s university. He completed MOOC on Early Childhood Education Organized by IIEP UNESCO and participated in One week National workshop on Learning Management System through online mode from July, 29 to 04 Aug 2019 organized by Department of education Technology SNDT women’s university, Mumbai-20. He organized National Conference as Convener On “Role of education in Transforming India ” on 27 and 28 June 2018 at PVDT College of education for women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai and the National seminar as Convener On “Education for Gender sensitivity” on 23rd April 2016 at PVDT College of education for women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai. He is a member of organizing Committee of National seminar on ‘Issues and Challenges of human Rights Education’ held on 14th March 2015 Organized by PVDT College of education for women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai, of organizing Committee of National seminar on ‘Peace Education’ held on 01 and 02 February 2014 Organized by PVDT College of education for women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai, of organizing Committee of National Conference ‘Education for All’ held on 01 and 02 March, 2013 sponsored by ICSSR Organized at PVDT College of education for women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai, of organizing Committee of National seminar on ‘Innovative Practices and New trends in Education’ held on 4th and 5th April 2012 Organized by PVDT College of education for women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai. He worked as chairperson in various state national and international conferences and presented papers in various State, National and international Conferences. He attended various training workshop based on ICT Training and education.
Tel Amiel
Tel Amiel completed his PhD in Instructional Technology at the University of Georgia. He is currently professor at the School of Education at the University of Brasília where he coordinates the UNESCO Chair in Distance Education. He was previously coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Open Education (Unicamp), and a visiting fellow at the University of Wollongong and Stanford University, and a visiting professor at Utah State University. His interests in the area of open and education and educational technology, with particular focus on schooling and teacher professional development.

Werner Westerman
Werner Westermann Juárez leads the Civic Education Program at the Library of National Congress of Chile since 2015. He is a History, Geography and Civics Teacher and Bachelor Graduate in History from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Over 20 years of work experience in digital technology-enabled education and training in national (Ministry of Education), higher education (Red Universitaria Nacional REUNA), international agencies (ECLAC-UN) and civil society institutions. Member of the International Jury for the UNESCO "King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize" for the use of ICT in Education. He has actively promoted and advcate for Open Education, while developing deployment and research projects on OER adoption and impact, for example, Subproject 9 on Research on Open Educational Resources for Development ROER4D or the Open Textbook project for the PUCV University. He is a co-writer of the Cape Town Open Education Declaration and participated in different policy documents and initiatives under UNESCO (OER Recommendation, Guidelines on the development of open educational resources policies) and regional activities. He is also an OER World Map national coordinator for Chile and a member of Open Education Consortium’s Latin America Regional Node (OE LATAM). Founder and and coordinator of community-based initiatives such as Moodlemoot Chile and Sugar Labs Chile.